Tuesday, January 26, 2016


A deep freeze shows signs of thaw and is as welcoming as the sound of the whistling kettle on the kitchen stove. This bottom end of Winter is not to be sneered at, the chilly sun is a temptation to be outdoors but being wary of frozen door handles and hungry cat's eyes. Icy steps which won't catch your fall, stiffened muscles and dripping noses yet our dogs bravely carry on sleeping on guard outside the front entrance. A mystery Land Rover passing up and down each day, we have managed to persuade the driver to now wave each time. And when the fog descends in the evening twilight, size 9 footprints appear from the gate into the woodland. Bits of pine bark on the snowy floor leave another clue as to what is being brought back. Another construction project is being planned for when the white stuff melts away. Inside the cottage bits of fluff, bits of material, just generally bits are found in the temporary workshop called home. Textiles being brought back to life full of pattern, shape and fun. A glimpse of brighter times ahead, hoping only hope will tell.       

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