Saturday, February 25, 2012


Not so long ago it was a daytime temperature of -15 and we were muttering how "cold this is" and "when will it end" and "I don't want to live here anymore", etc.
Now with the sun shining and the snow dramatically disappearing into one big puddle (making a right mess of what used to be called a road to our place), it's all smiles again. 
The wildlife is back too, a buzzard or two, an owl heard in a nearby tree, countless animal tracks still visible in the woodland snow.
A walk this morning through the slush and then onto untouched snowy tracks, warmth from the sun (warmth at last!), many picture-taking opportunities and a rather large dog barking us off it's property. More to explore as the season changes. 

1 comment:

  1. It sounds so idyllic David. You'll have to work on reducing the "unidentified" column though!!

    Aren't you glad the wolf count is zero? I think I would be.

    Barbecue of wild boar???

    All the best


