Saturday, June 11, 2016


Old man Fojtik up to his old tricks once more, trunks replaced by stumps in nearby woodland. The chuckling sound of his old Vetor tractor the giveaway evidence heard last week or so. Not a new occurrence for the 87 year old, but something which keeps him occupied, busy and alive. 
Never a moaner though unlike a farmer or two we know round here. Revolving storms that don't like to say goodbye for the summer have left more to be discontented. 
But new life beginnings are finding their feet as usual among the calm interludes.
Our surplus supply of potato crop is rather enjoying the wet and sun combination. But battling the stripy potato bug munching the foliage takes time from other unfinished jobs.
Tipi's are back on our landscape, new eyes straining across our boundary to have a look. The older Slovak face is stern and can look very dis-trusting of what you are doing even if you aren't doing anything! This is especially apparent when you smile in return.
Neighbour Jano continues to be bitter and still knows more about everything than you could ever know. The bulging 'Hitchcockian' belly now protrudes more proudly in warmer t-shirt weather. His shadow glides across our window on cue every Friday morning for his walk to the local bus for town. 
Remaining here could become an issue not long from now with referendum uncertainty. Not the politics of the politicians but the politics of people will decide from many moons away. An edge of friction and nervousness has crept into our lives. We came here to escape that. 


  1. This is just beautiful. Noticing the small wonders of nature and loving their lifestyles and blogging to share your experience is just a great things. I liked it.

